

Info page Breeding weights (fixed!)

  • Jul 7, 2019

This part was made for people who want to use an incubator and wish to tune it according to the weight of the eggs inside. ...

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Scientific publication Local and regional movements of the Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca in eastern Australia

  • Feb 10, 2012

Little is known about the movements of Australian birds. Information is particularly scarce on large, aquatic birds, which are usually difficult to access and handle. Their movements are also often complex, and therefore difficult to identify. Here we present data on the local and long distance movements of the Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca, a highly mobile bird, which as many other waterbirds, continues to decline in its traditional ranges in inland Australia. At the same time it has invaded coastal urban environments, where its high abundances cause many problems and require management. Our analysis of past and present banding studies reveals that Australian White Ibis travel throughout the urban environment and visit landfills, where they forage in large numbers. They also conduct long distance movements, which lead birds from breeding sites in south-eastern Australia along the eastern coast to regions further north (Queensland and Papua New Guinea). Young birds return to their hatching site, when sexually mature. Their preferences for landfills, high mobility, complex movements and current decline in inland Australia need to be considered, when developing and implementing management strategies for Australian White Ibis and ecologically similar birds. ...

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Article Reddening in our Ibises - Part 5: Color additives in an aviary

  • Nov 3, 2010

In earlier newsletters we looked at the different mechanisms involved in avian colouration, including various values, important concentrations, etc. The question remains: how to I customize this? There is no aviary that has a biotope so diverse that the birds can decide what to eat in order to fulfill all of their dietary needs ...

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Project Australian white ibis - Part 1: Intro

  • Sep 19, 2010

The ibises whose name starts with threskiornis all look alike. Except the straw-necked ibis (T. spinicollis) whose dark, shiny feathers clearly distinguishes itself. We have been looking up all characteristics of the species before, the most striking ones are shown elsewhere on the site. ...

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Article Reddening in our Ibises - Part 4: Red ibises in wild, the flying labo

  • Aug 3, 2010

Female birds can select a male partner on a large number of manners to pair. Thus they choose for example males with striking decorations, such as violent coloured and extended feathers. By choosing that splendid males, they are sure the descendants will be born healthy and vital. Because how better the males in condition is, how better their decorative expressive reach, therefore how better their genen. ...

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Article Reddening in our Ibises - Part 3: What does a wild red ibis eat to be red?

  • Jun 21, 2010

Wild birds are not administered artificial products. They still have a beautiful red colour. In the four studies that have taken place in the wild, it appears that the birds perfect their colours from crustaceans, insects and fish. Of course it is impossible for us to feed it every day. However, keep in mind that the daily feed what we provide to our many birds also contains carotenes: Maize, linseed, fish (flour), shrimp (flour), spirulinae, ...

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Article Reddening in our Ibises - Part 2: Dose administration carotenes

  • Apr 12, 2010

In Part 1 we learned that carotenes are responsible for the reddening of our birds. That is the reason why we carotenes, in the form of canthaxantine, extra to administer the diet of our birds. What is now the ideal dose to deal with the birds? Nobody knows what the perfect dose is, so we look at what dose zoos feed their animals. Finally, we compare this with the maximum dose that people may have. ...

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Article Reddening in our Ibises - Part 1: Review of carotenoids

  • Mar 20, 2010

Reddening in some of our birds, it is currently a hotly debated topic with many aviculturists of ibises, flamingos, spoonbills and pelicans. On Ibisday 2007, we have already dealt with this topic extensively. We want to give you, on the basis of a number of articles, more information on this subject, in this way we give you the opportunity to become a critical judge on the usefulness of administering colours and the role they play. ...

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Project Studbook American white ibis

  • Feb 12, 2010

From the inventory you send us each year, we learn a lot. It gives us a lot of work, but it is the only way to see how populations evolve. We noticed that the American White ibis was going backwards, mainly due to export and being not as popular as other species. Therefore we decided to take action. ...

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Scientific publication Indian black ibis / Oriental black ibis / Red napped ibis (Pseudibis papillosa Temminck)

  • Feb 10, 2010

Ibisring has the honour to publish the thesis and publications of Dr. Khem Chand Soni. He has studied the population, foraging, roosting and breeding activities of the Oriental black ibis inhabiting the arid zone of Rajasthan (India). ...

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Article Mixed aviary

  • Nov 21, 2009

There is a new fashion in the way birds are kept. Even in private collections you can find increasing numbers of great aviaries, even within this small world of aviculture. How to make such an aviary is another issue, and what can be kept in such, is what we are going to talk about. ...

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Article Buffnecked and/or Blackfaced Ibis

  • Jul 9, 2009

About 10 years ago we saw in zoo's some buff colored ibises. Usually a single bird in a mixed collection. Only a few had a pair of them. As there were few breeding results, no one had a bird to sell. Everybody was waiting to get an extra bird. ...

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Info page Growth weights Scarlet ibis

  • May 23, 2009

Example growth weights of three Scarlet ibises. ...

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Info page Growth weights Blackfaced ibis

  • May 22, 2009

Example growth weights of three Blackfaced ibises. ...

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Info page Breeding time

  • May 22, 2009

An overview of the breeding times of ibises and spoonbills. ...

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Scientific publication Nepotistic Behaviour Indian Black Ibis

  • May 12, 2009

Drought induced nepotistic behaviour in the Indian Black ibis (Pseudibis papillosa) inhabiting the arid zone of Rajasthan has been studied. The aim of the present study is to know about any breeding abnormalities induced in the Indian Black ibis by seasonal tragedy like drought. ...

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Article Southern Bald Ibis

  • May 2, 2009

There are two species of bald ibis in the genus Geronticus. Northern bald ibis, also called Waldrapp or Eremite (Geronticus eremita) and Southern Bald Ibis, also called Cape Ibis (Geronticus calvus). Much information has already been discussed on Waldrapp ibis during our ibisday in Paradisio, along with the project to release them in Austria. ...

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Article How to build a home for ibises

  • Apr 12, 2009

If we have the idea to keep ibises in a protected environment, we want to make this place as comfortable possible for our birds. Think of it as a nice hotel room, suited for a long and carefree holyday. As a good host you want the best for your guest, don't you? ...

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Article Details for recognition Threskiornis

  • Mar 13, 2009

This article shows the differences between the Sacred ibis, the Indian white ibis and the Australian white ibis. ...

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Info page Translations

  • Jul 22, 2008

Overview of the translated names of ibises and spoonbills. ...

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Info page C.I.T.E.S.

  • May 22, 2008

Overview of the CITES status of ibises and spoonbills. ...

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Scientific publication Red Coloring (Spanish)

  • May 21, 2008

Una de las creaciones más maravillosas de la naturaleza es la inmensa variedad de colores y diseños presentes en el plumaje de las aves. Este despliegue de color debe su existencia a pequeñas moléculas coloreadas, los carotenoides, que al ingresar al organismo con el alimento sufren una gama de transformaciones biológicas, para luego ser almacenados en las plumas. ...

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Info page Ring sizes (nov 2003)

  • Jan 12, 2008

These ring sizes are only a guideline. The exact size is the responsibility of the owner. ...

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